GP Information

This information is for GPs who want to take part in the study

My name is Jo Burgin and I am a GP researcher at the University of Bristol.

I would like to invite you to participate in my research project ‘Facilitators and Barriers to Diagnosing and Treating Perimenopause in Primary Care Patients with Mental Health Presentations’ (IRAS 318483)

Before you decide to take part it is important to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. Please take the time to read through this information sheet and ask any questions you may have.


  1. To understand the awareness, perceptions and experiences of the perimenopause in patients aged 45-55 presenting with mental health symptoms
  2. To explore General Practitioners views on mental health presentations in the perimenopause and how this affects their consultations

Who is being asked to take part?

I am asking GPs in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area to participant in phone or online interviews to find out more about GPs understanding of perimenopause and mental health and their experiences consulting in these areas.

Separately, I am also asking women aged 45-55 to participate in phone or online interview to discuss their views and experiences of mental health symptoms in mid-life.

Do I have to take part?

No. Participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time – you do not need to give a reason. If you decide to withdraw, you will be asked what you wish to happen to the data you have provided up to that point.

What does participation involve?

Participation involves an interview that will last for approximately 40 minutes. The interview would take place either by phone or on Microsoft Teams or Zoom video conference software (online), at an agreed time.

The interview will be an informal discussion around your experience of consulting patients with mental health symptoms and patients with perimenopausal symptoms. We will also ask about any training you may have received and where you think this could be improved.

After the interview you will be provided with a £25 Love to Shop voucher to thank you for your participation.

The interview will have 2 parts: 

  1. Mental health consultations

We will ask you about how you approach mental health consultations and if and when you would consider hormonal causes for mental health symptoms

  1. Perimenopause

We will ask you about any training you’ve received in managing perimenopause and menopause and your experience managing these patients.

Will I be recorded?

Yes. We need a record of the interview in order to include your data in the study. 

How will we use information about you? 

We will need to use information that you provide about yourself for this research project.

This information will include your name and contact details. People will use this information to do the research or to make sure that the research is being done properly. People who do not need to know who you are will not be able to see your name or contact details. Your data will have a code number instead.

We will keep all information about you safe and secure.

Once we have finished the study, we will keep some of the data so we can check the results. Once the data has been analysed, we will seek to share our findings through publication, presentation and the media. All reports will be written in a way that ensures that no-one can work out that you took part in the study.

What are your choices about how your information is used?

  • You can stop being part of the study at any time, without giving a reason, but we will keep information about you that we already have.
  • We need to manage your records in specific ways for the research to be reliable. This means that we won’t be able to let you see or change the data we hold about you.
  • If you agree to take part in this study, your data saved from this study may be used for future research.

Where can you find out more about how your information is used?

You can find out more about how we use your information:

Limits to confidentiality

Please note that confidentiality will be strictly adhered to unless there is any disclosure of harm or danger to yourself or others. In such cases the researcher would have a duty of care to inform authorities, such as the police or social services. We would always discuss this with you first.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

  • While the interview will be discussing professional practice, the interview may cover topics that affect you personally. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, you can stop the interview and recording. If you prefer, you can take time out/ mute and re-start when you feel comfortable doing so.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Your views and feedback will provide us with a better understanding of the particular mental health challenges for women in mid-life.

You will also be provided with a £25 Love to Shop voucher to thank you for your participation.

What if I have a complaint?

If you want to raise a complaint you can contact the researcher directly at

If you remain unhappy and wish to complain formally you can do this by contacting The University of Bristol research governance team at or 0117 928 8676 stating the project title.

What will happen to the results of the research project?

We hope that the results will improve our understanding of how mental health can be affected by perimenopause. The results will be shared with other health staff through reports in medical and health journals, newsletters, and talking about the results at conferences. 

Who is organising and funding the research?

This research is being organised by a GP Academic Clinical Fellow, Dr. Jo Burgin, under the supervision of the University of Bristol. No additional funding has been received to carry out this research.

Thank you for reading this information sheet and considering taking part in this research. If there is anything that is unclear, or you would like more information, please email me at

If you would like to participate please fill out the GP Participant Contact Form

 or contact me directly at